
CARON CHRISTISON began practicing yoga in early 2013 in hopes of meeting new people and finding motivation to stay in shape. She had just moved for the fourth time in five years and was struggling to find any real connections in her new town. Her constant battle with calorie counting and endless hours at the gym was making her feel even more lost and isolated, and she was desperate to find something more meaningful.

She showed up to her first yoga class having no idea what to expect - she had no concept of what yoga really was and how it would change her life. Though she was immediately hooked by the physical challenge of the practice and started attending classes regularly, it wasn't until she began to find a deeper mental awareness that she truly fell in love. Yoga helped her to build strength from the inside out and she found the real connection she was looking for - with her true self.

Caron felt inspired to share her passion with others and shortly after beginning her own yoga journey, she completed her 200-hour teacher training at Red Hot Yoga in Atlanta in 2014. Less than two years after completing her teacher training, she left her sales job in Corporate America to pursue teaching full-time and has since become one of Atlanta's premier power yoga instructors. Forever a student, Caron has continued her education with several world renowned teachers including Carmen Aguilar, Bryan Kest, Patrick Beach and Carling Harps, and she too has traveled throughout the North and Central America and Europe to lead classes, workshops, and retreats. She is now a lead teacher and Social Media, Marketing, and Business Development Manager for Highland Yoga

She currently lives in Atlanta, GA.